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Smertov Anatole (Smert' [ russian word] mean Death

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7 years ago

  • art

  • character

  • oc

  • crazy

  • madness

  • mad

  • conpept

Name: Valery Dobronravov/Smertov Anatole
Biography:He was the ordinary life of a lonely man his age. He worked as a psychiatrist. He was fond of self-improvement, trying for the sake of psychology and psychiatry. He adored by innovation and new or little-known methods. He often came up with different techniques, but using them he was forbidden. One day he comes across a patient with depression and began to develop paranoia, which does not help the classical methods, it is even injurious. Then Valery decided to test his method on myself. A healthy psyche reacts unpredictable. In this experiment he himself begins to develop dissociative identity disorder. Periods it goes into a state of partial control, when consciousness is aware of what is happening, but do nothing. In these moments, he is forced to watch as using his knowledge of psychology Anatole morally "killing" people.
Because of this, Valery becomes paranoid that Anatole gives more opportunities "to stand at the helm"

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