Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang


Fireflies skies

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6 years ago

  • medibangpaint

You and I hold hands as I call Anna's name impatiently, with excitement. "Anna come here already, we're about to leave!" Little Anna comes running from her room, she's around 7 about to turn eight. "I'm ready!" She smiles, then grabs your hand. All of us walk out of the house, ready to go somewhere.

After a short while, we're on the beach. "Anna take daddy's other hand." she listens, and smiles. I was about to teach you and her how to dance, Anna loved dancing, and I told you a couple years ago that I'd teach you to dance. Not long after I finish you two are dancing, and I'm smiling at how cute it is. I grab the camera, and snap a cute picture real quickly. "Cute." I turn to look at you dancing for a second before opening the truck to a car. It has a guitar in it, I grab the guitar and start to play it.

Anna enters a school dance with a guy, she starts to teach him how to dance. It's been a little while since she's done it herself, but she remembers. They both start to dance.-tobf

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