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(desc)Maggie ref. shet

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6 years ago

  • medibangpaint

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  • Mugman

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  • Cagneycarnation

  • Fanchild

I just love Mugney so much, and i think: hey, why I dont create a fanchild of this ship?
And bang! Maggie was created :D (I create her the past year lol) also she has a bro
Her powers
She cant shoot like her father Mugman
She Can shoot plant seeds through her straw and atack with roots(? like cagney
She is pretty young so her powers are a bit weak
Phases: 1. Phase
If Maggie is mad, she transform into this phase (thing that is strange since she's always happy)
Final phase: Maggie is to young to could transform into her final phase.(maybe if she had 12)
Solo amo el Mugney demasiado,que pensé:hey porque no creó un fanchild de este ship? Y bang! Maggie fue creada :D (la creé el año pasado lol),ademas tambien tiene un bro
Sus poderes
Ella no puede disparar como su padre mugman
Ella puede disparar semillas de plantas a traves de su cañita y atacar con raices como Cagney

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