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Reficul Cerebrum Legibus, Deity of the mind

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3 years ago

  • medibangpaint

Height- 1.63m (5ft 3) (true height is infinite)
Age-(Born)2.7×10^109 *(created)5.3×10^134 years
Sexuality-Ace aromantic
Abilities-Emotion controll, mind controll, creating and destroying consciousness, viewing memories, telepathy, elusions(they use these in order to interact with rality as they are transcendent), mind reading, creating real dreams, poor magical knowledge
Characteristics-A charming, charismatic, slightly narcissistic manipulator that uses a more under confident persona in order to control people they don't know. Serious and introverted. They and Lucifer share a petty rivalry over who is more powerful, mind or matter, which is ironic as they are technically the same entity: this is due to them sharing two halves of the same soul. When creating his second child, infernum mixed the flesh of a dead godess with a demonic soul but the soul couldn't take it and cracked in half into 2 beings, locus took in Reficul and crowned them the monarch of AO Celestial

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