Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang


Radium character Illustration

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3 years ago

  • HumanizedChemicalElements


  • character

  • firstpost

  • contest

  • characterdesign

  • yokai

Radium Character Illustration for Humanized Chemical Elements Contest
Foliage included in the design to reference the idea of (green) nuclear energy-as in good for the environment. the clock behind mc's head reads 2:30 which takes place in the hour of the ox Ushi no toki mairi
Headress is a combination of a set of Bunsen Burners and the candles worn upon the head during Ushi no toki mairi. Base of the headdress is made up of 7 rings and one inner ring to reflect the 7 electron shells of radium and the atom's nucleus within. flames from the bunsen burner burn red because thats the colour radium burns when ignited

Many other smalls details that I hope will be noticed 🤗

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