일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 Doro Hanshuu의 일러스트

Ken "Draken" Ryuguji LEVEL 1

즐겨찾기 7


  • 일러스트

  • anime

  • cute

  • Tokyo_revengers

  • 東京リベンジャーズ

  • kenryuguji

my attempt in drawing Draken from Tokyo Revengers

27days left

character description:
Like the president, vice-president Draken is also quite the wild individual. He loves a good fight and relishes meeting strong opponents. He is rude to those he considers beneath him and makes it clear he does not like them.

Unlike Mikey, Draken is the more mature and logical of the two. When the two are being scolded in the hospital by the father of a girl who was assaulted by Moebius, Draken is the one who forces Mikey down to apologize, understanding the man's rage and that it was better to receive his anger without a word than to try and defend themselves. When Pah-chin decides to take the fall and responsibility for Toman by deliberately getting arrested, Mikey tries to get Pah-chin to run. However, Draken stops him, saying that it is the right thing for Pah-chin to do. There are times when Draken's anger gets the best of him, though, and he lashes out in rage.

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    신작순 Doro Hanshuu의 일러스트


    Just Draw
    Doro Hanshuu


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