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Feton (soul drawing) LEVEL 1

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4 years ago

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I wanted to draw the elevator girl, but i just let go and did a soul drawing instead, I saw a ship yard, a subway train, a weird window, an alein face, a sad mask, a weird cartoon half face of a cat, a culvert along a river with a bridge, A girl with a mask on a face with a mask, a mask that kinda looks like echigos hollow mask, a rusty old ladder, lots of lights and a love motel, and the word FETON accompanyed by what i thought looked like a ride at an amusement park, but may be letters in a big sign.

Thought i would add some color so you could see more clearly what i saw... wonder if feton has a meaning? or is it nothing... sometimes i like to think my soul drawings have meaning making them mystical or magical, something to give our grey world color and maybe send me on an adventure... I have yuri and aerial to give my world color and ... <3 <3 ... lol you still reading this ... well your a friend or curious but all the same i wish you well and hope you find an adventure!

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