插畫・漫畫投稿&社群網站 - ART street by MediBang

上傳時間 It's Yer Girl Peppermint的插畫

note to all those who hate me (desc)

我的最愛 10
閱覽數 134


  • medibangpaint

yes i care about those who hate me
i just wanted to make something that represents how i feel everyday.
im sorry.
im sorry for not posting.
i just dont feel very good
i know brea once hated me and i hated her back
but deep inside i cared about her
i love to make people who hate me's days better.
because i care about anyone
anyone that i really care deep inside.
i never told anyone to kill themselves, didn't i?
i forgot to tell that cherri has wings that are the opacity of 74%
im so sorry
my parents made a mistake
and that was me.


    上傳時間 It's Yer Girl Peppermint的插畫



    今天的LEVEL UP