Why I am mad at “ArtStreet”
5 years ago
Hhahahhaahha they’ll take this down, but whatever. Let’s just take a bloody moment to realize this decently named cite, is now a unoriginal, cringe name. I loved the name MediBang, but I utterly hate the name ArtStreet. Just kill me already. Next thing is, the system it uses for regulations. You can trace art, but not use bases. Gacha edits are somehow fine, and your drawings cannot have images and must have color. ((Heheh not this drawing, but idc))
There are a couple things I do like tho. In the new update ((Mobile)), the uploading system is a lot easier to use. I’m using it for the first time rn and it’s way nicer and easier to use. ((Still salty bout the new name tho))
Anyways, if I missed anything or you want to add to this, please notify me. I’m just rlly mad rn.
I hate the submission thing now also
It won’t let me freaking submit