일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 Gloomy 👑의 일러스트

yay...... I'm back, kinda

즐겨찾기 6


  • medibangpaint

I wonder if it'll let me post cause I don't have alot of internet lol
but the good news is the hotel I'm staying at for the night has internet
the bad news is that I'm not gonna be gone for 4 days oh no, I'm gonna be gone for a whole fucking week, yeah I'll be dead for a week lol
so far the trip to the new place has been safe, I got to see cacti since the hotel is in Arizona, so alot of cacti
I'm kinda dead inside
the trip itself is not gonna be a week long
the time it takes for our stuff (including our internet) to get to the new place a whole week
ok I hope it let's me post this even with the smol amount of Internet I have.
It was successful I posted this :D

I'm not staying in Arizona, I'm going to New Mexico
From California the shit state to new Mexico, I hope it's not as shit as California

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    신작순 Gloomy 👑의 일러스트


    Gloomy 👑


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