일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 RioLucario의 일러스트

Christmas season

즐겨찾기 0


  • ML's

  • drawing

  • digital

  • 크리스마스

  • Kid

Hahhh, I can already feel it, the cold winds, hot chocolate and friend meetings.
Since it is almost half of novemb- WAIT ALMOST HALF OF NOVEMBER ALREADY!? woah, time really flies fast... anyways, as I was saying, since we are almost at half of november I thought it was an alright time to post something Christmas related, here we have the four siblings sharing a nice time putting on some Christmas related wear, like a Santa hat and scarfs.
And also, look!! I did something in digital after a long time!! I just hadn't found the time to do so, and lets be real, it always is just be more convenient to draw traditional art, I mean it's more likely that you have a pen and some paper than a digital pencil and an electronic of comfortable drawing size a.k.a a tablet, that and also that it is wayy cheaper.

Anyways have a nice weekends B+C=P

Hmmm... maybe I'll do some sort of special for Christmas, who knows...

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    신작순 RioLucario의 일러스트


    Student Designer


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