일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 Marie Artist의 일러스트

🍎Snowington Bright🍎 LEVEL 1

즐겨찾기 3


  • 팬아트

  • Genderbend

  • Medieval

  • Germany

  • 백설공주

  • Evilking

  • PoisonApple

  • SevenDwarfs

“Skin as white as snow- eyes as pink as a rose...”

Snowington Bright is a story of a young prince who has a wicked Step-Father, the King of the Fourth Kingdom, who seeks Snow dead because of his kindly charm.

With the help of the Castle Huntsman, who was ordered to kill Snow, the boy runs away into the woods embarking on terrifying adventures in the Enchanted Forest.

Being kidnapped by bandits on the road, he encounters a maiden who too was captured. They escape together and go their separate ways hoping to see each other again.

Getting lost in the forest, he stumbles upon an old cottage and odd 7 little dwarves, who agreed to let him stay with them.

🌹I love Snowington Bright, he is my favorite out of all my Disney Princes. Of course my version of the Snow White fairytale is going to be very VERY different. Snow is brave and courageous, but he’s also kind to those who need it🌹

    다음 작품

    신작순 Marie Artist의 일러스트


    Festive Illustrator
    Marie Artist


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