일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 Shasha nadeem의 일러스트

Bad guys-undertale Oc Polly-#2 (desc for story)

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  • medibangpaint

Yayyyyyy- Yup! This is Polly! Another Oc of mine.
Idk if you guys realize this but her color is actually fake. (You probably don’t get what I mean 😅) She was a scientist and made a very dangerous experiment that she tested on herself (you know were this us going...) but the experiment went completely wrong but it made her have the power to have a black soul (witch is like, hell powerful) and she used that power, so she became insane. The experiment also changed her color. (If you ‘difference’ her color, then you’ll know how she looked like before. Try it out!) she uses her power for no good and can’t control her black soul so it’s taking over her body. That’s why you see a black smudge on one of her eye (the one that’s hidden)

I hope you enjoyed! I’m going to make more ‘bad guys’ art so stay tuned! 😊

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    신작순 Shasha nadeem의 일러스트


    Shasha nadeem


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