Yelan Fanart
1 year ago
This fanart pretty much tested every bit of perseverance and determination I had. Nothing went well, I restarted it a grand total of 8 times. Yelan's 'essence' is not easy to capture. But in the end, it was worth it.
Originally, I was going draw playing cards, and she would have a royal flush. But, as someone who loves making myself suffer (in art), I tried putting different characters on all the face cards. I failed. Miserably. So that's why the composition is lacking!
Also, technically, there are no hydro crystalflys currently. So I decided to design my own. I drew them without even a reference for the shape. So I've officially memorized how to draw crystalflys. Shows how much I draw them...Hey, they solved my composition problems the first time, and continue to do so.
Anyways, I hope you like~