일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 Alice The Forsaken의 일러스트

Rainbow Koi Dragon

즐겨찾기 2


  • medibangpaint

Beyond the buildings and hidden grass.
The solar embrace returns at last.
The night has finally gone blind.
T'was once a forgiving bind.
Behind the twigs and fallen leaves.
Is a gift that all recieves.
There,my people,lies the great embodiment in the fields.
Eyes of eleven and a unicorn horn he wields.
Rejoice little ones.
Let his ball of colors caress your souls as it did your hearts.
For his peace will rule where the rain belongs.
As it would when the sun is abundant.
Watch the shadows slowly reside below him.
They only have all to follow.
You shall sleep.
But the requiem of a shadows condolences for itself will be nonexistent.
It will not be with you.
By then,the rainbows won't reside.
And neither shall your dreams.

I hope you enjoy my poem about my picture as well as the picture itself!😄😊

    다음 작품

    신작순 Alice The Forsaken의 일러스트


    Alice The Forsaken


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