Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

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2 years ago

  • girl

  • blue

  • oc

  • black

  • Grey

  • Break

As some of you may know-
I’m having a lack of inspiration and ideas
And I just haven’t been able to get ideas :/
And I need to make it clear that I’m going to be taking a break
I’ve taken advice and asked people what helps them inspired
And it’s just not worked
I’ve done basically EVERYTHING
Sense I came back from California I just have not been able get ideas
I’ll be taking a break from now on just trying new things
Testing out new things
Practicing My violin , My Japanese, My karate,school
And just dealing with my current struggles
My apologies if you asked for a request
I also do not know how long my break will be
But just know it’s going to be long
I’ve been wanting to try spray painting
But I hope you all can understand how I very badly need this break
Thank you for understanding

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