Art Redraw! (Oh! Also my first post huh..)
Hello there guys, gals,AND. non-binary pals!
It’s me the monster that chills in your closet.
Anyway, as you see, this is a redraw! (Unless you’re blind, then why are you in a art website?)
Hehe.. anyway, ik that a lot of humans in this small world will be like,
*YoU COulDnT PoSsIBlY GeT THaT gOoD In LeSs ThAn A YeaR!?!*
And if there is any bastards out there saying that, then your wrong. Because I did. And you may get no proof. Idk. Just ask, I guess then I’ll promote my other social media’s lol.
hope you all keep on existing! You precious beans of unique backstorys and trials!