Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang


Practicing Hair

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6 years ago

  • medibangpaint

  • digital

  • practice

  • hair

  • hairpractice

  • beginnerdigital

  • practicinghair

I’m used to traditional art and this is probably one of the better drawing apps I’ve used. I know the anatomy of the head is off and there’s no shading, but I focused on the hair here. It was definitely a new expierence. I don’t remember which tool I used though... I started off with a darker tone of the color I wanted, drew the hair, then made the color lighter and drew the hair again. You can repeat the process depending on the brightness of your environment or just the hair I guess? Do any of you have any hair tutorials for beginners in digital art? Thanks!

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