일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 朱雀의 일러스트

Sealed in the abyss LEVEL 1

즐겨찾기 5


  • March2021_Creature

  • dragon

  • art

  • medibangpaint

  • digital

  • 자캐

  • monster

  • sad

  • sea

  • mythical

During the Great Drakna War, many dragons invaded Earth. Some chose to follow the Draknas' will and destroy everything in the name of glory while some chose to live peacefully in this new land among humans. Though, as intelligent as they are, once blinded by emotions one shall fall to their demise.
One of the dragons who chose peace was the deep sea dragon Leviathan. He helped the humans of a nearby tribe secure food and protected them from predators. There he met his first love, a beautiful girl from the village who would come by the sea every night to sing for him.
One day another group of humans came to the shore and proceeded to massacre the villagers, among the dead was his beloved, enraged Leviathan invoked typhoons and swallowed the land. Yes he did kill the invaders but the tribe and villagers were no longer existent on the map. Grieving and regretting his actions, Leviathan went to the abyssal parts of the sea and sealed himself to slumber eternally.

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    신작순 朱雀의 일러스트


    Digitalart Hobbyist


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