插畫・漫畫投稿&社群網站 - ART street by MediBang

上傳時間 evan1989的插畫

The art of Wizardry!

我的最愛 0
閱覽數 67


  • 2023年10月定期比賽:多彩

  • magic

  • 動漫

  • oc

  • mage

  • elemental

  • medieval

  • 巫師

  • power

Wizards should begin their journey by traveling to the Eastern wastes. There you will learn many things. Be strong and take heart lest you die.There are many demons who dwell there. But there are also many amazing things that you will see there that are unlike any other things seen in this world. Learn from the things that dwell there the lessons that can only be learned through pain and possibly madness. Arcane wisdom can be learned if sought in the right places. The kind of magic that can be learned in the Eastern Wastes is unlike any other craft in this world. And things that would kill any normal man respect those who are children of the enchanted wastes. After passing through that sanctuary of death, you will find yourself among ruins of an ancient civilization. And Arcane wisdom of a completely different kind can be learned there as well. And beyond there to Egypt,the Sphinx. then across the sea. It never ends. Remain hungry for knowledge and foolish enough to go through the pain


    上傳時間 evan1989的插畫





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