I don't know why I am out of my mind. Maybe too much stress does this to people!
I miss myself being normal and studying whole day!
I promised my friend to draw something. There were something else on my mind to draw but end up doing this.
Why can some people think that life could be more beautiful with a good family? why? why just to chose a wrong way?
How to confront them I don't know.
I am scared.
Too much scared to face you.
I don't remember life with you.
Those dark cloud snatched our all good memories.
I fear you.
I fear for your future.
I fear talking to you.
I can't control myself with words to be chose to talk to you. I can't warn myself to be careful!
I want to be vanished.
I want to be in that parallel world where I will meet you as my happy family!
I want to escape this harsh reality please.