插畫・漫畫投稿&社群網站 - ART street by MediBang

上傳時間 LunarArtist的插畫

Crow and Fox for YYH Big Bang

我的最愛 1
閱覽數 15


  • yu_yu_hakusho

  • karasu_yu_yu_hakusho

  • kurama_yu_yu_hakusho

This is my entry for the @yyh-revival-big-bang hosted by @yyh-revival – I drew my husband, Karasu-chan, with Kurama in a fanfic written by Elodee based on the telly series, Hannibal with Mads Mikkelsen, one of my brothers’ and my favourite actors. =^^= ♡

Here, Karasu is supposed to be fixing himself up for an undercover disguise, he’s deep in thought braiding his hair, while Kurama observes his enemy, and almost sees him in a new light with conflicting emotions.

A side note, Karasu being in the blue colours to contrast the complimentary warm colours is to make him stand out, as he is a dead crow walking, btw! Just a small detail. >:3

I shall edit in a link whenever El posts her fanfic! Anyways, thankyou everyone for having me! Cheers, xoxo =^♡^=

~ ♡ ~

Edit: Here is El’s fanfic!! :3 Can’t wait to follow and read all of it being sucha Karasu fan myself!! (as if that wasn’t obvious, lololol) 😀



    上傳時間 LunarArtist的插畫

    Alexandria Baby



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