일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 ClaireCaballero의 일러스트

🛎️"Ringing Bell"🛎️

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※ 이 작품의 테그편집은 할 수 없습니다.

🛎️"Ringing Bell"
I'm going to say this again & again,
So dont try to act perfect and always pretend,
Telling me sorry,well that's your defend.
I'm no good with using grammar,
And what I have said is by far.
I always mispelled some of my letters,
Causing me to be bashed by some of my haters,
I maybe too specific,
Cz some viewers think less,oh how horrific.
I don't got the past,present and past tense,
But my artworks makes it more nor less likely intense.
I don't do rewriting well,
I simply going with the flow like I'm somewhere in hell,
And I often just do it with things that felt and fell,
On whatever I could think off just like a ringing bell.
But they still wanna buy it and hoping I'd sell,
These writings and artworks that comes out naturally,Oh well.
I know I'm no good with using any kinds of grammar,
And what I've said is nothing more but just maybe too far,
Even though I keep saying it again and again,
Your still acting perfect and always pretend.
-Claire Angeli A.Caballero

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    신작순 ClaireCaballero의 일러스트




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