Jonathan Kleinsorge
The Holocaust changed everything in Jonathan's life. As a Germanic Jew who traced his lineage to the tribe of Benjamin, he was a prime target in Hitler's vile genocide. He was imprisoned in one of the most remote concentration camps, but with the help of some of his friends, he escaped. Sadly, the friends who escaped with him succumbed to the harsh winter, but John's fate, so far as our world is concerned, is unknown. Little does anyone know that John was rescued from utter exhaustion and hunger by a great dragon of Êvêrnâ, Darkstorm, eldest and wisest of his kind. John was taken to Êvêrnâ, and there began an adventure that has yet to end. Even though more than sixty years have gone by in our world, John has yet to age more than a few months, so great is the power of Darkstorm imbued in him.