插畫・漫畫投稿&社群網站 - ART street by MediBang

上傳時間 Bacon Brilliance的插畫

Lon-Lo-Lovely LEVEL 2

我的最愛 6
閱覽數 308


  • heart

  • 黃色

  • love

  • 翅膀

  • oc

  • weird

  • fnf

A normal guy who’s just nice! Well, just a casual person! Well... a... casual... thing? He’s often mistaken for lovingly looking at others, but that’s just his eye! He also stands up against what he deems unfair at times, making him a semi heroic figure in a way. He actually has 5 other siblings! Three male, 2 Female, and then him being male (He actually was the only one seemingly without gender, but he goes by He/They). The guy on the left is his VERY rarely unused “human” form when he wants to look “normal” to the race they deem human. The one right to that is his normal short form, despite his human form lookin pretty cool, he prefers his Normal form. Also he has smol wings, which he can’t fly with. Also as you see, his right arm has two lil buds coming out. The less green on is Polp, who is less intelligent and annoying. The more green one is Hist, who is deemed more intelligent, and bullies polp. And that’s it!
Ps: Lon can fire a plastic pellet like a BB gun out his pointer finger


    上傳時間 Bacon Brilliance的插畫


    Da Sizzler
    Bacon Brilliance



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