Pascal Darkwater | Fantastica: Light And Darkness
Here’s the character design for Pascal Darkwater, the dark and eerie siren pop-star of the deep seas! As you can see here, I based his character design on an anglerfish, and I decided to give him angelic pink-white wings and fins. And the photophore on his head? It’s a magic photophore! It makes him just as capable of casting spells as any mage who was born with a single horn on their head!
-24 years old
-Deep-Sea Siren Wolf Mage
Mother: Peony Darkwater (deceased)
Father: Oswald Darkwater (estranged)
Maternal Aunt: Poppy Splashton-Moonstone
Maternal Cousins: Lavender, Lilac, Violet, Chives, Peony and Daisy Splashton-Moonstone
Note! I am the owner of the original character, and the “Fantastica: Light And Darkness” series in general, so you’d better not steal or copy this!