일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 Lil devil의 일러스트

She is whivenki LEVEL 3

즐겨찾기 8


  • cute

  • 자캐

  • fight

  • Sarv

  • Mid

  • masses

Whivenki is the sarv oc you chose
Its a mix of white, sarvente and Taki
She acts like sarv when she's in front of people but when she's not with people... She is a mix of rasazy selver and ruv.
She can end you easily if you make her mad- so don't do it
Also she needs pills bcs she can't control her demon form so (no named ruv) gives her pills before it's too late
.. Hm? Her eye? Nothing is wrong with her €¥€.
Edit: she knows about her otherselves and meetsup with them 1 a month and since she is the Supreme of sarvs (bcs she's the literal Pope) and she's also my age, she organizes them
But sarvente is the only 1 who doesn't know bout it

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    신작순 Lil devil의 일러스트


    :v Dibujante
    Lil devil


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