Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

Latest {•BIRD-WITH-THE-BREAD•}’s art


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1 year ago

  • medibangpaint

  • forest

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  • Utahraptor

  • feathers

  • grass

  • waterfall

  • bushes

(Hello it's Soul and I'm back with another speedpaint! Again thank you so much for 30 followers!) "When I was a young lad." Nordic said while he flipped through his various notes, trying his best to recall these memories. "I lived in a small den-hold with my mother! Her name? Ah...well...That isn't really relevant Is it!?" Nordic fiddled with his pen. "She had tired icy blue eyes, And a muddied white coat....A dreadful sight really..... " A sentimental wave of emotion flooded his body. He paused, and stared at the trees above where a family of archaeopteryx nested. "H-hey Sir Nordic..Sir?"A squeaky voice tore the silence "I-i know you told m-me to not follow you but, I got worried." Nordic's head darted turned towards the young allo. his eyes teary. "Its quite alright dear." He dried his eyes. "Here, how about we head back into town? I need to pick up a few Carrots from the local mart anyways!" "Ok Sure!" squeaked the Hatchlett. The two padded out of the dense canopy forest.

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