插畫・漫畫投稿&社群網站 - ART street by MediBang

上傳時間 [Jac̡҉k̕_W҉̛̕o͞od̀́͞s̢͞]的插畫


我的最愛 3
閱覽數 81


  • 動漫

  • manga

  • oc

  • 紫色

  • Jack

  • villain

  • Clone

  • Woods

  • Anti-Jack

A flawed clone of Jack who's psychology became the complete opposite of what Jack was studied to be, discarded because of a weird bilis problem that tinted his scleras pitch black, and an experimental blood type meant to replicate Jack's ability to enhance his strength and speed, which turned out to be dangerously flammable

With his superior intellect over the rest of the clones, he convinced everyone to rise up against their creators, and right before they knew, he got out and blew up the place with everyone inside, Jack would be only his

He's cunning, he's aggressive, he's psychotic and evil by nature, he's always there in more than one form


    上傳時間 [Jac̡҉k̕_W҉̛̕o͞od̀́͞s̢͞]的插畫



    今天的LEVEL UP