일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 Barnaby Jr의 일러스트

[Reupload] Drawing My Colleague at Work

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  • drawing

  • digitaldrawing

  • office

  • Officeworker

This simple sketch was made on Friday, July 22-2022 in our office somewhere around 2 PM when I was extremely bored. I took the chance on the absence of our supervisor to walk around in our room and move from my spot to the next row where my colleagues were there talking, texting, and giggling while working. I approached my colleague, Iwan, and sit on a chair beside him. I decided to play around with his Ipad a little and asked him if I could make a new page in the Notepad and started doodling. After getting my fingers used with the Ipad for the first time, I decided to draw a sketch in free-hand of Iwan, the owner of the Ipad I am using! 🤣 He didn't know what I was drawing in his Ipad until I spent around an hour or so he decided to take a peek on what I am doing with his Ipad and there it is. He saw a simple sketch I drew of him & I did it out of boredom. What a surprisingly well-spent afternoon at work! 😜 please don't rat me out to my supervisor that I was drawing in the office

    다음 작품

    신작순 Barnaby Jr의 일러스트


    Gabby ✍🏽 Hobbyist
    Barnaby Jr


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