일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 Renardyne의 일러스트

.° ༘⁎˳ Storm ✧༚⚡ LEVEL 2

즐겨찾기 8


  • October2023,RegularContest:Colorful

  • 동물

  • 늑대

  • art

  • cute

  • medibangpaint

  • 자캐

  • manedwolf

  • Renardyne

  • inktober2023

  • medibangtober

※ 이 작품의 테그편집은 할 수 없습니다.

'' .° ༘⁎˳ Storm ✧༚⚡ ''
Day 8: Sweet potato

Hello! Here's a new oc I created, a maned wolf inspired by sweet potatoes and I think Storm looks cuter with this chibi style! Also a drawing for @medibangofficial for the #medibangtober on Instagram!! 🎃

About the art:
*Credit pour the the references used for the maned wolf.

- The maned wolf in the drawing is Storm who has a pattern inspired by sweet potatoes. He was born with this pattern which makes him different from the others.

✔All you can do but you have to credit me
-Got a bit inspiration from my ocs
-Got a bit inspiration from my art style

❌️Everything I don't allow you to do
-Steal my art
-Reupload my art
-Got a lot of inspiration from my ocs
-Use my current art style
-Trace me

| Time Taken |
3h ~ 4h


You can draw my ocs but credit me ( my full artist name ).

- Thank you to all the people who support me. ♡
- Thanks to reading my description and have a nice day! :) ~Ren

    다음 작품

    신작순 Renardyne의 일러스트




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