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Hot Air Balloon At A River Destination

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6 years ago

  • medibangpaint

This is my 3rd time using this app. I am getting used to it. Also this is my 3rd time doing digital art. Now some of you guys have stared 🌟 my posts. Thank You so much. Now in this piece I tried making my digital art 🎨 a bit more challanging with the colours and technics and and all of that stuff. I like the back round of this piece but I think I can work on the hot air balloon . Now I know this piece looks simple but I do terditional art so I'm a bit bad at doing digital art. Now I could have fixed my mistakes on this digital art piece but I didn't to show how bad I was at digital art. Hahahahaha haha. But hope you like it. 😁

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