일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 -coffii-의 일러스트

+ lost boys +

즐겨찾기 23


  • medibangpaint

  • Ricky

  • r.i.p.

This is dedicated to my cat Ricky, who died the 15th September (2017).
When I was really young, we had three cats that lived in our house. Dusya, Senya, and Ricky. (Sorry if the names sound strange, I tried translating) Dusya and Senya were Ricky's parents. When I was around 4 years old, Dusya, died of old age. (She was the oldest) then, Senya and Ricky (left as father-son) lived together for quite a while. In November 2015, Senya left us. He was really sick... Well, you know the rest about Ricky.

Rest in peace, my sweethearts...

This is a drawing of Ricky (the ghost cat on the right) and another kitten, who is kind of..
Ricky-junior??? x'D
I hope you understood what I meant-
Like, in the Warriors series with Cinderpelt and Cinderheart!
There is always someone younger who can carry on~

I hope you liked it, I worked hard on it-
Also, this is a thing I'm planning to redraw a couple of times, because it's important to me.
Sorry for being inactive.. Bye <3

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    신작순 -coffii-의 일러스트




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