插畫・漫畫投稿&社群網站 - ART street by MediBang

上傳時間 Elijah的插畫

Vent art lmao LEVEL 2

我的最愛 5
閱覽數 58


  • stress

  • Vent

*eats sand and disintegrates teeth*
Yuh 😩🥶🥴
Been through a lot of stress lately, so 🗿
I’m trying to calm myself down through humor lmao, I don’t know what I can and can’t say in this vent cuz a lot of its family problems
Uh, I guess without to much details, grandpas tractor? Goes up in flames meaning we can’t go to our big vacation we were going to go to because they got to pay for a new tractor and they need that tractor to demo one of their houses 😎
Then I go to my other grandparents and see my cousin, very fun time with her
Then she drop kicks her dog to the fucking moon and body slams it in front of me and I tell my parents and they legit gets the police to come over to their house for animal abuse 😎
And I got memed twice by ppl I met here and my poor bawby heart bwoke 😳😳🥶🥶😰😰
I then I have a mental breakdown in front of my other cousin and legit just feel bad for her having to deal with me 😎
she was like it’s ok chill your my rock 😌 And then I said: legit me rn: 🗿


    上傳時間 Elijah的插畫





    今天的LEVEL UP