Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

2025.02.26Important Notice: Service Transfer of "MANGA Plus Creators by SHUEISHA"
Latest ᥇ꫀᦓꪻ ᠻ᥅꠸ꫀꪀᦔ’s art


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1 year ago

  • medibangpaint

  • steampunk

  • red

  • light

  • old

  • TF2

  • dust

  • engineer

  • machinery

  • rays

  • brokenparts

So there's a song that was going around a while back called "Feed the Machine" and its by some band called "Poor Mans Poison" and if you don't know them from either of those they also made another popular song called "Hell's comin' with me" I think? THEY'RE AN AMAZING BAND and I thought it'd be perfect to make an character for it! (sorta its a red engineer from the game tf2 oc off of someone else's music )NOT REALLY TOO ORIGINAL so like. that being said this guy has a little story and in this specific image he is breaking free from a life he was put into. (theres a part 2 to "Feed the Machine" called "Give and Take" EQUALLY GREAT SONG SO IF YA WANNA KNOW WHERE I'M GOIN' here I really recommend their stuff!! i've actually had this character idea as well as this picture a bit in the works for a while now and I just finished it today! also if you read this far thank you so so so much!!! here are some goodies! 💛🍯🍪 It means so much to me that you are viewing all of this honestly!! 🌻🌾

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