Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

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【公式】トレスde描こう!-第25弾-/Trace&Draw【Official】 no.25

Favorites 1106
Views 23,961

4 years ago

  • The_Challengers

  • トレス素材

  • Trace&Draw【Official】

  • 公式トレス素材

・ART street以外へのご投稿も自由にしていただいてOKですが、右下のロゴはなるべく消さないようにお願いいたします。
※Important Points※
-Please view the posting guidelines.
・ You are free to post to sites other than ART street, but please do not delete the logo on the lower right of the image.
・ We cannot take responsibility for trouble between users.
【How to use?】⇒

The Challengers


What is the challenger system?

On tutorials and references, you can post an artwork that shows what you made based on the tutorial.

  • astrosiver2018

    Mission the completed

  • Dr.QuinnFrizzle

    APPRECIATIVE to God, the trace and draw creator and PPG creators!

  • VingiKat

    :D Drew a few characters from my webcomic ^-^ It's not often that I draw them in a chibi style, so this tutorial was pretty neat and fun! :)

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