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Cyberpunk Corkhorn the Unicorn

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4 years ago

  • medibangpaint

  • Unicorn

  • pocky

  • furryoc

  • Pumpkinspice

  • HumbleMarty

  • Corkhorn

Corkhorn the Unicorn (c) Martha Pearson 2020 All Rights Reserved.

Please don't repost this one all over. It is the cover of an upcoming sequel to my first story. Which I should really upload the other cover and do more of Captain Cluck-vers. Though this story will have an all new villian and since Corkhorn's universe has no humans, I will be getting to do new animals.

The story is going to be kind of fun because I get to do a Chicken who tells Chicken Jokes, a comedian who tells crude jokes, and one who is well . . . he's a surprise and from the first book.

Corkhorn's adventures are usually violent and over the top. Not over the top like R-Rated Chainsaw slasher but over the top with zany villians, hopefully endearing characters and small homages to different sci-fi genres.

If anyone sees this picture, thanks for stopping by.

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