插畫・漫畫投稿&社群網站 - ART street by MediBang

上傳時間 Kytzu的插畫

micron ref

我的最愛 4
閱覽數 112


  • medibangpaint

Well time for you guys to see this weird tall alien boi, and heck I finished this a few days ago, and right now I’m working on Ava’s right now so here’s micron, now I’ll explain a few things, He was sent to the planet of zafar when he was just an infant, and was taken in by some lonely lady, and raised by her, he became taller than the other kids when growing up, but he was made fun of by a few kids, for being not like the others, but overtime it didn’t really bothered him as much any more. He one day got a ship with a super computer that he named Magnum, he one day decided to go where no one has gone before, to a weird planet that magnum has in his database, so he decided to find a creature on the planet to examine, and that’s when he found Ava sleeping on a park bench, and decided to take her in his ship to examine, and that takes us to now where I have nothing for the story, I’m sorry this was long, but I hope you guys like this ref.


    上傳時間 Kytzu的插畫





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