插畫・漫畫投稿&社群網站 - ART street by MediBang

上傳時間 SoftKeychains的插畫

Don't Burn this Wizard

我的最愛 2
閱覽數 88


  • 精靈寶可夢

  • Delphox

There's the underrated mon I've been itching to doodle about
I do like Delphox. It's fire/psychic, c'mon, only Victini (and Darmantian's hidden ability but meh) shares that type combination, that makes it extra special. At least it's not a redundant ritual with Blaziken and friends, the first to break a mold for so many generations in a row.
And yet....people don't give it that credit.

Well I do sooo

On a side note, people for some reason tend to refer all delphox as female. Honestly that's so uncool. There's nothing wrong with boy delphox, 87.5% of them are males. That's why I put wizard instead of witch in the title. To discourage you of that habit.


    上傳時間 SoftKeychains的插畫



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