插畫・漫畫投稿&社群網站 - ART street by MediBang

上傳時間 Marie Artist的插畫

💙Tragedy Doll, Rover (Read Description)💙

我的最愛 4
閱覽數 127


  • Tragedy

  • ragdoll

  • Rover

  • Raggedyann

  • Raggedyandy

  • JohnnyGruelle

  • MarieArtist

  • RichardWilliams

  • ShadowDoll

💠Meet my king, mean, killing machine, Rover! The same as Arachnáe, Rover is also featured in the project based off of the forgotten broadway show, Rag Dolly (Raggedy Ann)💠
⭐️Rover wasn’t always a rag doll, but a Porcelain China Doll who was put up on display in an antique shop. Rover was bought by a young girl, Caroline, who suffers from the lack of love (her mother died when she was young, her father was a drunk, and she was an outcast at school) Rover was the only “person” she has ever loved, and he loved her back. Caroline suffered a horrific fate from Scarlett Fever and died one night. Rover got thrown out by Caroline’s father and he was living alone ever since. Rover had to learn a lot of things while living in the woods (Like bandaging up broken glass parts of his body and replacing them with rag) Rover meets Ann and Camel (when they got separated from Andy) and captures them for his dinner, however, he lets them go only for Camel to stop complaining⭐️


    上傳時間 Marie Artist的插畫



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