イラスト・マンガの投稿&SNSサイト - アートストリート(ART street) by MediBang

新着 YannDessuDrawsのイラスト

Honeypie In Wonderland Part 3 LEVEL 1

お気に入り 2
ビュー数 277


  • 女の子

  • アート

  • オリジナル

  • オリキャラ

  • Story

  • Backstory

  • クッキーラン

  • cookierunkingdom

HP: Frosted... Falls?
SS: Yep! You've been out for a while, do you remember how you got here?
HP: Not really....
SS: No matter! The clothes you were wearing originally are getting cleaned, so put these on for now!
Honeypie changes into a small pink dress.
HP: Thank you.
SS: No problem! Now that you're better, you should be getting back home.
HP: Actually, I don't remember where my home is.
SS: Oh. You must've had a pretty hard fall if you can't even remember that.
HP: Fall? What happened?
SS: Well, we found you unconscious in the forest, so we took you here to get better, but it seems you still need help, since you have no place to stay...
HP: I'm really sorry for all the trouble I've caused you.
SS: Don't worry, it's fine! You can live with me for now! But, can I have your name? That is, if you remember.
HP: Um... Honeypie. I think.
SS: I'll call you Bee then! As a nickname! I'm Strawberry Shortcake an this is Donut Pixie. You can just call me Shortcake.


    新着 YannDessuDrawsのイラスト


    Kind of an Artist


