일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 Hope299GAMES의 일러스트

New page finished LEVEL 1

즐겨찾기 3


  • 핑크

  • 노랑

  • green

  • Orange

  • characterdesign

  • strawberryshortcake

Woohoo ok had some real difficulties with all of these characters in one way or another but they finally have some proper designs :D
Crepes suzette I was conflicted on because her previous traits and Cherry theme really don't make sense with her theme. Crepes suzette dumbed down is crepes with caramel, orange liquor, and citrus juice, also there's already a lot of cherry characters but um-I really didn't want to do more beige desserts there's so many-
Cherry Cuddler and duck duck are adorable. Dat all
Cherry Crisp I'm still conflicted on. I didn't have great references and I couldn't get discernable personality from the episodes I found her in so I had to do a bit more work here. I believe her hair is meant to be dreadlocks so I went with that correct me if I'm wrong pls.
Lime Chiffon is still quite similar to the 80s imma work on her more soon.
Banana Twirl a.k.a banana candy (2000s name) is actually quite different from her previous versions. I think I could work on her shapes more.

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    신작순 Hope299GAMES의 일러스트




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