Gift for pErSon! LEVEL 1
4 years ago
Lolli likes Person's artstyle is the very cute cute!! And so Lolli was like "HMMM should lolli do it?" And then so Lolli clucky to di click person's uh profile thingy and lolli was confused what lolli should draw so Lolli picked random on person's one of her/his art so Lolli picked this one! It was fun and a bit confusing because Lolli doesn't know what kind of color should lolli pick so... Lolli analyze the color thingy and like Lolli is like "WEEEEEE" and such and also!! Lolli copied person's style just a TINNIE bit... OωO" so anyways Lolli hoped that you guys like the thingy!! Lolli was having fun too so go go WEEEEE!!
Please also follow pErsOn!!
The Art That Lolli picked: