일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 BusheeTheYushee123의 일러스트

Malleo Trooper (remastered)

즐겨찾기 0


  • trooper

  • Memes

  • weegee

  • ytp

  • yushee

  • cd-i

  • walleo

  • waweegee

  • malleo

※ 이 작품의 테그편집은 할 수 없습니다.

Malleo Troopers are loyal soldiers under the command of Malleo itself and carry his flag symbol on their left arm all the time.

When Malleo speaks "fire flower" backwards, a fire flower nearby will be transformed into a full servant under his own command.
Malleo troopers are completely brainwashed and blindly follow Malleo orders, they rarely retain full fragments of their past memories on their mind after transforming. They can't use all of Malleo powers but they can still transform into "fire troopers" by absorbing another fire flower.

This is what Malleo has as a response against Weegee and Yushee clone armies. Both are competing towards conquering large swaths of the meme galaxy for themselves under a great game of conquest.

Sometimes invaded extraterrestrial species from other planets will call them with other informal names such as "Mazhiis" to poke fun at them (including Malleo himself sometimes when he's bored and can't tell anything but a joke by calling them "scummers") .

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    신작순 BusheeTheYushee123의 일러스트




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