일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 𝑬𝑽@의 일러스트

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  • 남자애

  • 자캐

  • MainOC

  • artfight

  • description

  • DemonBoy

  • Ev@

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Hi there! So im pretty busy right now, i will be spending my time preparing my characters for Art fight! My objective is having 10 characters ready for the next year. I do this right now because soon is the school year and i will not have enough time draw because You know, school ✨ apart from that, i have to do an art trade with Goober art so I’ll be prioritizing that. Im gonna post some art updates here. The second pic is just something for Demon boy’s profile in art fight. Speaking of Art fight, I FINISHED DEMON BOY’S PROFILE IN AF, IT TOOK ME FOREVER AUGH SO.. people she have art fight, check it out here https://artfight.net/character/3852479.demon-boy
my art objetive for me, is having 10 characters in AF so i can be ready! :D
Bye bye my little demons!

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    신작순 𝑬𝑽@의 일러스트


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