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Clipped! //Read desc for info//

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3 years ago

  • oc

  • pastel

  • Mafia

  • Neon

  • Candy

  • Skelly

  • BushBabyOrigins

So Bush and I made two skelly mafia bois- This one's mine and they asked me to design the other and gave me mood boards so coming soon ig?
OKAY- So there's a bit to unpack about this guy-
Clipped did used to be a part of the mafia, he was born into it. And he was actually good at doing what he was told. But as he grew older he noticed that he liked to gamble, whiiich led to a gambling addiction. Though instead of trying to win the rounds, he'd purposely lose out of enjoyment. He lost almost everything due to this, including his house. And he was looked at as worthless compared to what he used to be. When he left the mafia no one seemed to even care to hunt him down, he was seen as harmless.
Another thing to add: If you'd ever met him, you'd notice that he loves coffee and has trouble sleeping. Well when I say he has trouble sleeping, I mean he NEVER sleeps. When he falls asleep, his body kind of shuts down and just kinda starts walking wherever. More in the comments if you want~

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