Behold! This is the the form that True!Fresh takes when infecting Nightmare!Sans. I’m sorry that it took so long for me to post this, but I didn’t have much mojo to get this done yesterday. & before anyone calls me a hypocrite (cuz of what I said on a previous post), the tentacles protruding from his skull are not made of negativity acid (the stuff that makes nightmares body). They are the magical energy of True!Fresh that wasn’t put into the fur/ flames. In this form he is using 100% of nightmares potential for damage, with a LV jump to over ♾️-2 (not in exp). This also means he has attack patterns that nightmare!sans should be capable of (& would be more destructive if he did), but doesn’t for some reason.
& before you ask, nightmare sans is in immense pain & now knows the true meaning of regret.