插画・漫画投稿&SNS网页 - ART street by MediBang

时间顺序 Alexandraaa的插画

Ryu and Ryuuko

收藏 2
浏览数 398


  • medibangpaint

  • 女孩

  • 原创人设

  • man

  • japanese

  • twins

  • suit

  • conjoined

Here are Afreen's bosses. They are conjoined twins that lead the yakuza in the 42th century. They do all sorts of stuff from providing and profiting off the poor, to gun trafficking to drug dealing to having all sorts of weirdos like Afreen and (formely) B.U.T collect all sorts of rare weird stuff from outer space that is considered valuable on Earth for them. Ryu and Ryuuko are bad but they are not antagonists in the story, just two ass holes the anti heroine works for. While, Ryu is more serious and angry, Ryuuko is more dizzy and happy, though just like her brother she has no problem with doing horrible things. They do have their honor, however, hence why they fired B.U.T after she betrayed Afreen and agreed to get Lily into a top academy after Afreen's years of service to them. They met Afreen at a bar right after she left her home planet. She got into a fight and when the twins saw the alien's ability to control the four elements they offered her a job. They are also openly gay.


    时间顺序 Alexandraaa的插画





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