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Woah is That a Cat Wearing a Sweatshirt

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4 years ago

  • medibangpaint

(Yes, yes it is)
So I decided to attempt drawing an antro cat but since I’ve recently started animation so I will take my furry
pass now
But this was fun
As you can see I completely gave up on the shading by the time I got to the tail
Also I meant to post this like last week by put I was so caught up with my animation I completely forgot about it
Anyway I’m not completely happy with how this turned out but that how I feel about most of my pieces
The next few posts will be fan art (I know technically all my mlp art is fan art but this is different I swear)
Edit: Uh I forgot to mention this when I first posted it but we Stan furrys here so if you have anything unsavory to say say it somewhere else or better yet don’t say it at all so uh ba-bye my krispy kittens (you know it’s true) ( ̄∀ ̄)

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