일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 elegancia의 일러스트

Eren Jaeger LEVEL 1

즐겨찾기 5


  • 고양이

  • 팬아트

  • 늑대

  • 진격의거인

  • Dinosaur

  • MyArt

  • aesthetic

  • ErenYeager

  • paleoart


I don't like how isayama made him... well... a bird. Yes, I know birds are free and can fly above the walls, and ever since Eren was a kid he wishes he could fly above the walls, and be free just like the rest of the scouts. But I'm sorry, I just can't see him being a bird, I really only see him being either one of these animals I drew. But because he wants to "fly", and be free, I think a Gyrfalcon would suit him really well. They are beautiful, free, big, and strong, and that fits Eren imo. A seagull or a dove just doesn't do it for me, Isayama could've chosen a much more powerful bird. That's just me though. (And this illustration is to just satisfy my fantasies and to make fan art of my obsession with this anime. Don't take my rant seriously please. This is all just my opinion. </3)

NOT for free use, nor are you allowed to trace this.
Designs belong to me.
SNK and Eren belong to Hajime Isayama.

    다음 작품

    신작순 elegancia의 일러스트


    John 14:27


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    오늘의 레벨업!